Operating Region:
Bulkley Valley
Village of Hazelton
General Contractor:
Terus Construction
Date Completed:
Contract Value:
Project Value:
In 2023, Terus was awarded the River Road Upgrade Project. This project had previously undergone a tendering process, but unfortunately, due a lack of contractors in the region, complexity of the scope and schedule, no responses were received. Terus recognized the importance of the infrastructure to the local community and took on the project to ensure its successful completion. Terus actively engaged with the Village of Hazelton and worked together with them to establish realistic completion dates.
The River Road Upgrade Project was an extensive endeavor that involved the complete reconstruction of a 500-meter segment of the main highway in Old Hazelton. The scope of work included installation of storm sewer systems, sanitary sewer systems, and water mains. To enhance functionality and safety of the throughway the project also included the addition of sidewalks, curbs, and paved surfaces. In 2024 Terus successfully finalized the project by adding the finishing touches in line with the project’s completion dates.
Terus’s commitment to excellence and their ability to overcome challenges ensured the successful completion of yet another significant road infrastructure project in the Hazelton area. The River Road Upgrade Project not only helped to improve transportation in the region but also served as a testament to Terus’s expertise and dedication to delivering exceptional results.